One-Minute Movies: 24 Hours
As part of my BA (Hons) Interaction Design Arts course
at London College of Communication
October ~ November 2022
‘One-Minute Movies' is a brief that spanned 6 to 7 weeks, where each week we would be given a random prompt called an “obstruction” and were tasked to create a one-minute film within a week’s time.
Given the limited amount of time, my films were made in the midst of my daily activities — as I moved from place to place, on my way home, and during late nights after I was done with my commitments for the day.
What came out of this work process was a series that charted mundane episodes of a persona’s day-to-day life in 24 hours; from when they reached home, incidents throughout the night, heading to work in the morning and occurrences in the office.
Nightfall — A loud film about silence
Gears — Working the imaginary machine
Couchsurfing — Behind the sofa
Supper — The night got out of hand
Commute — Shoot a film from below
Seen — Start with a drink, end with spider, fill in between
A loud film about silence
Working the imaginary machine
Behind the sofa
The night got out of hand
Shoot a film from below
Start with a drink, end with spider, fill in between